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Why Auto Workers Are Striking

Auto workers are fighting for a 40% pay increase — the same raise that Ford, Stellantis & GM CEOs have seen over the past 4 years.

‘No Justice, No Jeeps!’ Scenes From the Auto Workers Strike

Keith Brower Brown, Luis Feliz Leon and Jane Slaughter Labor Notes
“The GM CEO, she got 36 percent in raises since our last contract, making $26 million,” one worker says. “Like Fain said, they’re price-gouging the American public for billions of profits. They don’t earn that, sitting around eating bonbons.”

When Auto Workers Stand Up, Here’s How To Stand With Them

Keith Brower Brown Labor Notes
The likely Auto Workers (UAW) strike, which the union is dubbing the "Stand Up Strike," could be a turning point for the U.S. labor movement—and all of us across the movement can lend a hand to help the strikers win.


Why a 4-Day Workweek Is on the Table for Autoworkers

Andrea Hsu
As wild as a 4-day workweek might sound, UAW leader Shawn Fain is pushing a concept that has captured the imagination of workers all over the world, thanks to widely publicized trials. Microsoft ran a month-long pilot in Japan with positive results.


This Is How the Next Great American General Strike Happens…

Joe Maniscalco Work-Bites
The catalyst for a naturally-occurring general strike may continue to be elusive despite the ongoing struggle facing working people throughout the country. But that can change as workers across all sectors continue to suffer.


Shawn Fain Is Right: The Workweek Should Be Shorter

Alex N. Press Jacobin
UAW president Shawn Fain has called for a 32-hour workweek. It’s the revival of an old vision in the US labor movement — and the sort of ambition overworked and underpaid employees need.


The UAW Is Right To Withhold Its Endorsement of Joe Biden

Paul Prescod Jacobin
The United Auto Workers is refusing to endorse Joe Biden until he commits to backing an electric vehicle transition that creates good union jobs. The union’s new reform leadership is absolutely right to hold Biden’s feet to the fire.
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