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Rooted in Racism and Economic Exploitation

Chandra Childers Economic Policy Institute
Southern politicians claim that “business-friendly” policies lead to an abundance of jobs and economic prosperity for all Southerners. The data actually show a grim economic reality.

These Southern Workers Are Organizing – And Speaking Up

Taiwanna Milligan Facing South
"The Saturday we went on strike was a powerful day. I felt like we were standing up for ourselves and for all the other underpaid, unappreciated workers who needed a change. I knew that my voice was going to make a difference."

Friday Nite Videos | July 29, 2022

Debunking the Myth of the Lost Cause: A Lie Embedded in American History. Choice (Texas Style). “I Call Bullshit!” Jon Stewart on the PACT Act. Manchin, Schumer Reveal Washington's Best Kept Secret. Why US Gun Laws Get Looser After Mass Shootings.
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