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Trump and Russia - Readers Respond to Recent Portside Posts

Pittman; Atkins; Fuller; Smith; Gugliotta; Stand; Lowe; Portside
Portside readers have weighed in, as you often do, on the issue of Trump, Putin, Russia, the revival of a new-Cold War, and foreign interference in our electoral process. Here a number of readers, including some Portside moderators, express their individual views, on what they feel should be the position of the left, for democracy, and opposed to militarism, increases in the military budget, and re-vamped calls for a new-nuclear laden Cold War against Russia.

Trump Preparing to Open New Front in His Dangerous, Misguided War on Immigrants

Silva Mathema, Rachel West, and Shawn Fremstad Center for American Progress
President Donald Trump is actively considering opening a new front in his war on immigrants through another hastily drafted and vaguely worded executive order. This is the latest piece of his damaging agenda to dehumanize immigrants. It willfully ignores the reality that immigrants are not only valued members of American families and communities but also tremendous contributors to the nation's economy and prosperity.
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