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Tidbits - December 8, 2016 - Reader Comments: Standing Rock-Tremendous Victory; Trump Changed Everything; What Next for the Left; Remembering Fidel; Why You Support Portside; Labor Scholarships; March for Immigrants....

Reader Comments: Standing Rock - Tremendous Victory to Start Trump Presidency; Trump Changed Everything; What Next for the Left; Remembering Fidel Castro and his Impact Worldwide and in the U.S.; Jobs, Shorter Work Week; Chelsea Manning; Tondalo Hall imprisonment; We Need Each Other - Why People Should Support Portside; Announcements: UMASS Labor Scholarships; Make $15 Real Under Trump; New York March for Immigrants

Learning to Claim Our Victories - Finding Hope in Dismal Times

Rebecca Gordon Tom Dispatch
'Luckily, not everyone has been glued to the screen, eternally watching The Donald. From Black Lives Matter to the climate change movement, activists have, as TomDispatch regular Rebecca Gordon points out, never stopped working to make this a better world and, as she indicates, if we can take our eyes off the media spectacle-cum-circus for a few moments, they offer us a kind of hope for our future that shouldn't be ignored.' - Tom Engelhardt

Dump Trump, Defeat Racism and Misogyny, Build the Left

In These Times
An open letter to the left from 47 grassroots organizers. Defeating Trump in the presidential election is a top priority for the left. And at a minimum, that means mobilizing voters for Hillary Clinton in swing states. When we hear people say they don't know who to vote for because both candidates are equally bad, we get worried. A Trump victory would embolden hard-core racists, Islamophobes, misogynists, and anti-immigrant groups.

The Lousy Reason I Didn't Vote in 1968 - And Why Sanders Supporters Shouldn't Fall for It

Michael Ansara Vox
It is 1968. Year of blood. Year of protest. Year of insurgency. Year of a pivotal election: Republican Richard Nixon versus Democrat Hubert Humphrey. I decide that Nixon and Humphrey are indistinguishable, and I refuse to vote. I encourage others to do the same. It's a mistake I regret to this day. At first, students on the left were full of hope about the 1968 election...The only way Donald Trump does not become president of the United States is if Hillary Clinton does

The Political Revolution Will Continue Long After Bernie Sanders' Campaign. Here's How

Ethan Corey In These Times
Bernie Sanders' call for political revolution has inspired grassroots groups to continue his work even after the election is over. In nearly every state, autonomous grassroots organizations began campaigning for Sanders months before his campaign established any official presence on the ground. Now, those organizations are beginning to build coalitions with labor, socialist and progressive groups to set a post-election agenda for the political revolution.

Tidbits - April 28, 2016 - Reader Comments: Puerto Rican Coalition Against Debt Formed; Verizon Strike; Sanders, Hillary and a Revitalized Left; Beyonce's Lemonade; and more...

Reader Comments: Puerto Rican Coalition Against Debt Formed; Verizon Strike; Sanders, Hillary and a Revitalized Left; Sanders Allies - June Conference - Future of the Movement; Beyoncé's Lemonade; Harriet Tubman currency; and more; Announcements: Ways to Justice - Perspectives on Nonviolence, Civil Resistance and Self Defense; ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism - 80th Annual Celebration Abraham Lincoln Brigade; Rise of the Right forum (California and New York)
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