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BDS and the "Anti-Semitism" Charge; Penalties Will Grow Worse The Longer Israel Persists In Settling - Israeli and Jewish Perspectives

Gideon Levy; Jerry Haber
BDS is neither motivated by anti-Semitism, nor is it, in effect, anti-Semitic. The "anti-Semitism" charge against BDS is false, intellectually lazy, and morally repugnant. The Israelis are fighting for their right to persist in settling, exploiting and stealing land; to continue breaking international law that prohibits settlement. For the sins of occupation, boycotts are a Light punishment. Commentary from an Israeli, American, and Orthodox Jewish perspective.

Netanyahu vs. the Spooks

Carl Bloice Foreign Policy in Focus
Right-wing Israeli politicians like to boast about their country’s famed intelligence service, but they've gotten good at ignoring it when it tells them things they don't want to hear.

Settlement Construction Surge in First Half of 2013

Lara Friedman Americans for Peace Now
The Government of Netanyahu continues to build in settlements and to make it harder to reach a peace agreement. Anyone who cares about Israel and the success of the current efforts to resume the negotiations for a two state solution must be very concerned about the ongoing construction in settlements.

Israel Everyday Racism - and How American Jews Turn a Blind Eye to It

Larry Derfner The Jewish Daily Forward
Israeli author Larry Derfner says American Jewish community must refocus anti-Semitism outrage on it's own "dirty laundry." The ADL goes after anti-Semitism with a fist, it goes after Israeli racism with a sigh. When the Jewish state is this riddled with racism, its advocates abroad should be a little less outraged over the offenses of gentiles. They should be a little more humble - and a lot less hypocritical.

Will Progress Follow Process in Israel-Palestine?

Carl Bloice Foreign Policy in Focus
In the upcoming Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the issue will be what it has always been: will there be an end to the Israeli occupation and an agreement on the borders of a Palestinian state?
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