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Strategy, Tactics, and Organizing

Glenn Perusek The Stansbury Forum
worker on strike Strategy entails applying tactics to win in a campaign or on a front. But grand strategy involves winning the entire war—and creating a post-war world that is most advantageous.

Radical Cities in Latin America: Past and Present

Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Heather Gies NACLA
Read the Editor's Intro to our latest print issue of the NACLA Report, Radical Cities, focused on municipalism, housing movements, and local radical democracy in Latin America, from Mexico City to Montevideo.

Fifty Years of Fred Hampton’s Rainbow Coalition

Jacqueline Serrato South Side Weekly
A look back on how multiracial Chicago-style coalition building has influenced organizing to this day. The trajectory of fearless grassroots, youth-driven, intersectional organizing set in motion by the 1969 Rainbow Coalition still resonates today.

Friday Nite Videos | May 24, 2019

Stop Investigating Me! Or Else! W. Kamau Bell's Candid Conversation With Two Anti-Abortion Activists. Exploding Star Spews Building Blocks of Life. A Louisiana Town in the Heart of 'Cancer Alley'. 'Stable Genius' Needs an 'Intervention'? Two Views.

Across Trump’s America, The Grassroots Are Growing Radical

DD Guttenplan The Guardian
Depending on which media you consume, Donald Trump will either leave office in handcuffs or coast to a second term. Making sense of American politics has never been easy, but the extreme polarisation of the press and public has made it more difficult

Indivisible Guide Goes on the Offense

Indivisible Guide Goes on the Offense MSNBC News
"Indivisible," which organized protests around the country against the president, has written a 'how-to' guide for a progressive agenda in Congress.

Meet Progressive Champions Ben Jealous and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Larry Stafford, Nash Jenkins, Time magazine
In startling victories, Ben Jealous became the Democratic nominee for governor of Maryland and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez upset a powerful sitting congressman in New York by running campaigns that pledged a radical change in our nation's priorities.

Middle America Reboots Democracy

Lara Putnam and Theda Skocpol Democracy - A Journal of Ideas
We spent months talking with anti-Trump forces-they're not who pundits say they are. Tens of thousands of women, mostly mothers and grandmothers ranging in age from their 30s to 70s, are fueling an American political transformation that most media outlets are systematically missing, or misreading.

Interview: Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS)

The Next System Project The Next System Project
Here at The Next System Project, we’ve been exploring the connections between space, violence, and gender inequities, looking both at the spaces of the built environment and the way social practices structure those spaces. Part of that exploration is talking to organizers like Jessica Raven, Executive Director of Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS)—read our quick conversation below!
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