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Defund Fox News

Anand Giridharadas The Ink
Advertisers have no loyalty, period. So if their association with Fox News represents enough of a threat to their brand equity, they will reallocate their budgets.

American Racism and the Buffalo Shooting

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor The New Yorker
The gunman seems motivated by a vision of history, pushed by the right, in which American racism never existed and Black people are undeserving takers.

Friday Nite Videos | February 4, 2022

Ukraine War Exposes Racial Disparities in Refugee Treatment. Roger Stone Bolts 'Insurrection Headquarters.' The Drug for Conservatives Who Want to Forget They Praised Putin. How Russian State Media Portray the War. Bernie on Putin and the Oligarchs.

Tucker Carlson’s History of pro-Kremlin, anti-Ukraine Propaganda

Nikki McCann Ramirez, Jane Lee and Alicia Sadowski Media Matters for America
Tucker Carlson’s scramble to reset his commentary on Putin and outrun his past defense of the Russian regime's actions points back to a simple axiom: he will defend the indefensible up until the moment he faces consequences.
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