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Unsteady Work

Laura Marsh Dissent
"'Temporary' is the rare novel that reckons with unsteady work," says reviewer Marsh. "If the book is a surreal, absurd, sometimes self-defeating entry in the office genre, that is because temporary work is all those things."


The Adjunct Underclass

Gary Roth Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
About one-half of all higher education teachers and professors are contingent, or adjunct, laborers. This book portrays this crisis, and even though it is a flawed treatment, reviewer Roth finds some things of interest in this study.


The Fall of the Faculty: The Rise of the All Administrative University.

Matthew Abraham Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture
Most university teachers in the United States are part time, contingent employees. Their job title of "adjunct" is added to term designating academic rank (lecturer, assistant professor), but carries no job rights, benefits, or expectation of continued employment beyond the present semester. Most full time "academic" jobs are now held by administrators. How did we get here? Benjamin Ginsberg considers these questions, as Matthew Abraham explains.

University Presidents Are Laughing All the Way to the Bank While the People Who Work for Them Are on Food Stamps

Lawrence S. Wittner History News Network
As the incomes of the 25 best-paid public university presidents soared, the livelihoods of their faculty deteriorated. This deterioration resulted largely from the fact that tenured and tenure-track faculty were replaced with adjuncts (part-time instructors, paid by the course) and contingents (temporary faculty). Many adjuncts have incomes below the official poverty level and receive food stamps.
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