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Why Unions Are the Key to Passing a Green New Deal

Dharna Noor GIZMODO
A key way to build broader support for the Green New Deal among organized labor, some labor experts say, is to help workers change who head the Laborers, Mine Workers and Electrical Workers unions, which oppose the Green New Deal.

Puerto Ricans Want a Clean and Just Energy Future

Nithin Coca Equal Times
Private US and global ‘clean energy’ companies coming to the island, pose the danger of "green colonialism." Puerto Rico – dependent on imported fossil fuels and faraway corporations -- needs instead locally produced and controlled renewables.

How the Light Gets In

H. Patricia Hynes Portside
In these times of climate change denial, macho military chest-beating, stagnant wages, and soulless extremes of wealth and poverty, light-bearing cracks are all that we have. The northern Great Plains, likely the richest wind regime in the world, the potential of tribal wind power exceeds 300 gigawatts across six states, according to the Department of Energy. This motherlode is equivalent to about half of the current electrical generating capacity in the United States.

Syriza Can Show `Another Energy is Possible'

Sean Sweeney Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
Greece's new government is committed to `ecological transformation'. Syriza's existing programmatic commitments to work towards "the development of a new paradigm of social, environmental and economic development," and the need to build a public sector of a "new type" could transform energy and climate politics in the EU and beyond.


Environmentalists, Workers Seek Common Ground

Kevin Begos Associated Press
The nation's largest labor unions are ready and willing to help fight global warming, but are cautioning environmentalists that workers need new clean-energy jobs before existing industries are shut down.
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