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The Trump Electoral Drag

Sabrina Siddiqui and Hari Sevugan join Chris Hayes to discuss how Donald Trump may turn red states blue as well as hand the U.S. Senate over to Democrats. 

Michelle Obama on Donald Trump

In a speech for the history books, U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama forcefully denounced the words, actions, and candidacy of Donald Trump.

Can Great Apes Read Your Mind?

Christopher Krupenye The Conversation
In past research, apes consistently failed on tasks designed to assess their understanding of others’ false beliefs. They did’t seem to know when someone has an idea about the world that conflicts with reality. But in a new study involving 40 bonobos, chimpanzees and orangutans the apes were able to anticipate that an actor would behave in accordance with a false belief.

Inequality Is Still the Defining Issue of Our Time

Robert L. Borosage The Nation
Don’t take down the barricades. Inequality remains extreme and continues to widen. And the populist uprisings that have roiled American politics have clear opportunities to tackle the core problem after the election.

Friday Nite Videos -- October 14, 2016

Michelle Obama Calls Out Donald Trump. A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall (Live at Town Hall 1963). The Trump Electoral Drag. The Universe: Now With 10 Times More Galaxies. as Donald Trump.

Making Sense of Modern Pornography

Katrina Forrester The New Yorker
Disagreement on the left reigns over pornography. Is it in essence the objectification of capitalist commodity relations applied to "the other" with possibly disastrous social consequences, or is its celebration of eroticism potentially subversive of an entire repressive culture? The book under review examines the modern porn industry where the Internet has made it ubiquitous, and access on many sites even free. So if this isn't our fathers' old titillations, what is it?