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All of Donald Trump's Lies

Bill Moyers Bill Moyers and Company
Last weekend, a full page New York Times op-ed itemized, day by day, the lies Donald Trump has told since taking office. The effort deserves the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.

Sacrificing Black Lives for the American Lie

Ibram X. Kendi New York Times
We may never know why justice is still segregated from black death. On one side, people say: America is racist, and jurors are like cops — they hate black people. On the other: The police account is indisputable. Black lives do not matter. The deeper answer is that black death matters. It matters to the life of America, by which I mean the blood flow of ideas that give life to Americans’ perceptions of their nation.

Democracy's Critics

Colin Gordon Jacobin
You can't understand the modern right without understanding their fundamental contempt for democracy.

We Are a Sanctuary Union

Tim Goulet Socialist Worker
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) Local 810 in New York City, has voted to declare itself a "sanctuary union," becoming the first Teamsters local to do so.

Dispatches From the Culture Wars

ACHA’s war on women; Two tales of rape; Assange documented; TSA going political; Punishing speech at Trinity College

Settlements: The Real Story

Gershom Gorenberg The American Prospect
Fifty years after the Six-Day War, a mistaken account of how settlement began still plagues Israeli politics.

The Speaker and the Ironworker

Sarah Jaffe, Interviews for Resistance The Baffler
My name is Randy Bryce. I have been an ironworker for the past twenty years. I am a U.S. Army veteran, a dad, and a cancer survivor, and I am currently running to take Paul Ryan’s seat in the 1st Congressional district.