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Retail Jobs Don’t Need to Be Bad. Here’s Proof.

Eduardo Porter New York Times
Retail work does not have to pay poverty wages. New study compares work in Europe and the U.S. For all the power of market forces, from automation taking over routine tasks to globalization squeezing retailers’ margins, there is nothing inevitable about low-quality retail jobs. Social norms and political institutions can make them better, or worse.

With the Trump Travel Ban, Americans Face an Important Choice

Azadeh Shahshahani Atlanta Magazine
Despite the court rulings in our favor, Muslim travelers remain confused and intimidated. Rules for travel are changing all the time, and many travelers are still being stopped at the border due to racial profiling or arbitrary bureaucratic snafus. Banning researchers and grandmas makes us no safer. Instead it damages our families, communities, and academic institutions. The Supreme Court must strike down this reprehensible ban once and for all.

The Tax Bill Battle Shows the Left Needs a "Single Payer of Fiscal Policy"

Sarah Jaffe In These Times
When the heirs and heiresses of billionaire fortunes can take over an entire political party and force them to pass public policies that the vast majority of even their own voters don't want, there is a problem with democracy. A conversation with Michael Kink, executive director of the Strong Economy for All Coalition.

Palestine: 50 years of Occupation, 50 Years of Labour Struggle

Chloé Benoist Equal Times
The hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who found themselves under Israeli military control in 1967 quickly became a source of blue-collar labour for the Israeli economy, performing jobs that few Israelis were willing to do, for far less money and far fewer legal protections.

Zimbabwe Military Coup is No Promise of Political Stability

Mikaela Nhondo Erksog The Dawn News
The situation in Zimbabwe is one of a dissatisfied ruling elite using their monopoly on violence to manipulate and control society. This will not change the fundamentally oppressive, and inegalitarian structures of that society.

Trump’s Fateful Mistake on Consumer Financial Protection

Simon Johnson Project Syndicate
By seizing control of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and placing an ideological extremist in charge, US President Donald Trump has brought to the fore the deepest flaws in his administration’s founding myth. The gutting that now awaits the agency will visibly harm many of the ordinary people Trump promised to defend.