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Flynn's Guilty Plea: Just How Bad for Trump?

Michael Isikoff Yahoo News
Flynn’s guilty plea and his decision to cooperate is the most ominous development yet in an investigation that the president has repeatedly sought to shut down and which continues to cast a cloud over his administration.

Everything Goes Back to Trump

Donald Trump boasts about the GOP tax bill at a campaign rally, and Trevor explains how the president's attacks on journalism have had an impact on slavery in Libya.

Mudbound | Movie

Struggling to survive, two families work the same land in the Mississippi Delta but live worlds apart. Directed by Dee Rees, Mudbound | A Netflix film, now streaming on Netflix.

Friday Nite Videos | December 1, 2017

Why Did Donald Trump Ignore Warnings About Michael Flynn? Mudbound | Movie. Everything Goes Back to Trump. Residente on Race and Trump's America. Are University Admissions Biased?

A Modern Greek Tragedy Foretold

Bennet Baumer The Indypendent
Greece's former finance minister under the radical Syriza government offers a revealing tell-all about modern capitalism through his battles over Greece’s debt with the “Troika”: the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB), and eventually with his own prime minister.

Tidbits - November 30, 2017 - Portside's Annual Fund Appeal; Reader Comments: Urgent message from Linda Sarsour; Trump Tax Scam; Sexual Abuse; Country Musicians Speak Out; Book sale; and more....

Portside's Annual Fund Appeal; Reader Comments: Drawing the Line on Trump Racism and Islamophobia - Urgent message from Linda Sarsour; GOP Tax Bill; Sexual Abuse; Russiagate; Bill Clinton - Arkansas roots; Remembering the Greensboro Massacre; Tim McGraw And Faith Hill Outrage Millions Of Americans After Latest Comments; 50% OFF All Haymarket Books; Announcements and more ....

Peace and Justice in Palestine

Dina Heisler and Susan Nobel Portside
All people around the world and across time crave similar things. They want the chance to raise their families within a peaceful and fair environment. Also, one that affords a decent quality of life without fear of one’s fellow man. This was the main take away from our voyage into another world: Middle Eastern, Muslim, working class, rural and “occupied.” (If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" ~ Hillel)