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How Stevie Wonder Helped Create Martin Luther King Day

Marcus Baram The Medium
To overcome the resistance of conservative politicians, including President Reagan and many of his fellow citizens, Wonder put his career on hold, led rallies from coast to coast and galvanized millions of Americans with his passion and integrity. But it took 15 years.

Why a Successful Union Organizer Thinks Traditional Organizing is a Lost Cause

Rick Wartzman Beyond Chron
Instead of being sufficiently innovative, says Seattle SEIU Local 775 David Rolf, most labor leaders have been “reinvesting and doubling down on our American system of enterprise-based collective bargaining since the union movement started to shrink in the early 1950s.” The result: “Through decades . . . we’ve seen unions grow weaker and weaker every year while continuing to repeat the same strategic directions.”

The Food World and America's White Supremacy Problem

Tunde Wey San Francisco Chronicle
In America, white supremacy is the establishment — not part of it, but all of it, our politics, prisons, schools. And white supremacy dominates our food, our media, even our escapism.

Trump's "America First" Security Strategy Imperils the US

Marjorie Cohn Truthout
lonely Trump
With great fanfare, Donald Trump rolled out his new National Security Strategy (NSS). Its guiding theme is "America First." An analysis of the 55-page document, however, reveals a program that renders the United States more unpopular and vulnerable to external threats.

Carrier Workers Are Livid After Facing Layoffs Despite Trump’s Promises

Bryce Covert In These Times
The fine print of Trump’s deal has now turned into reality for Carrier’s Indianapolis employees. Roughly 340 workers lost their jobs in July. The last round of layoffs mean 250 workers will clock in in for their final shifts today despite Trump’s pledges.