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Labor's Last Stand

Garret Keizer Harper's Magazine
Unions must either demand a place at the table or be part of the meal

The U.S. is Funding a War on Poor People in the Philippines

Noah Alexander Flora The Progressive
beaten and injured activist from Filipino demonstration
The Philippine National Police, implicated in the suppression of labor movements and President Duterte’s war on drugs, receive a significant amount of funding through U.S. foreign military financing.

Coconut Oil

editors, Harvard T. H. Chan Newsletter Harvard T. H. Chan newsletter
Coconut oil has become a popular fat choice for its rich flavor with a mild coconut aroma.
The popularity of coconut and particularly coconut oil has soared because of touted health benefits. By contrast, some believe it to a totally unhealthy dietary choice.

The Next Financial Crisis

Various authors New Internationalist
As we approach the ten year anniversary of the great recession, leading economists talk about where the next crisis might come from. Workers bear the brunt of crises, but they also could be the cause that provokes the system to falter.