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Europe, China and Russia Move to Sidestep US Sanctions on Iran

Patrick Wintour The Guardian
The European Union, India, China and Russia are challenging the US effort to try to impose new Iran sanctions, pointing out that in reality it is the US, by tearing up the nuclear agreement, that is in breach of UN resolutions.

Friday Nite Videos | September 28, 2018

Dr. Ford's Heartbreaking Testimony Was Not a Con Job. Marc Ribot | Bella Ciao (Goodbye Beautiful). Brett Kavanaugh's So-Called Ruined Life. Tearful Woman Confronts Senator Flake on Elevator. Brett Kavanaugh's Mask Falls.

Distant Early Warning of Worse to Come

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Masterpiece or not, William S. Burroughs' "The Revised Boy Scout Manual": An Electronic Revolution fills a puzzling lacuna in the Beat author's bibliography, and offers an foretaste of the viperous Age of Trump.

It Ain't Over Till it's Over

Kathy Wilkes Isthmus
In May, the Supreme Court rejected a class action suit brought by Epic workers, effectively limiting the collective bargaining rights of 60 million workers. But the case — now back in district court — is far from dead.

US Military Document Reveals How the West Opposed a Democratic Syria

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Le Monde diplomatique
US documents reveal that although wanting a Syrian regime change, officials thought it was highly unlikely to actually happen — and hoped that if President Bashar al-Assad was overthrown, he would not be replaced by an opposition-led Syrian democracy

Complicating the Narrative on Nicaragua

James Phillips NACLA
The current crisis is not simply the story of a brave opposition and a brutal Ortega. It is a long-simmering conflict among different groups that has been carefully manipulated to put Nicaragua firmly and securely back under U.S. hegemony.

Trump’s New (Non-Democratic) Normal

John Feffer Tom Dispatch
What happens when the adults in the room are scarier than the crying baby? Who’s responsible for the last 17 years of American wars that have convulsed the planet? Babies? Teenagers? Grown men acting like babies? Let’s face it: perfectly sober adults