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Exxon’s $60 Billion Bet on Fossil Fuels

Catherine Boudreau Business Insider
It's no surprise that Exxon opted to buy Pioneer in a $60 billion agreement. Energy analysts say fossil fuels will still account for half the world's energy mix by 2050.

Workers Funding Other Workers’ Misery

Rachel Phua The American Prospect
Billions of dollars in public pension fund money flow to private equity–owned firms that union-bust, violate labor laws, and put workers’ safety at risk.

Our Revels

Donna Pucciani
“And now we mourn the temperate days,” writes Chicago poet Donna Pucciani, as the news of weather is seldom good.

Oleg Orlov Addresses a Russian Court

Oleg Orlov Meduza
"Thirty years down the line, we’re back in 1984," says civil liberties advocate Oleg Orlov, addressing a Russian court at the conclusion of his trial