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Everyone Blasts Ruling on FDA’s Mifepristone Approval

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
"Today's ruling from a MAGA judge—who was hand-selected to hear this case by the anti-abortion activists who brought it—is an audacious act of judicial meddling in our personal healthcare decisions," said one reproductive rights campaigner.

Global Experts

A Fisher
Schools may be in trouble, assesses Vermont poet Ann Fisher, but not the fault of students who create their own “precipitation” despite “all the measured wisdom/ we’ve provided.”

Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire

Joshua Kaplan, Justin Elliott and Alex Mierjeski ProPublica
For over 20 years, Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas has been treated to luxury vacations by billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow.

The Secrets of Cooperation

Bob Holmes Knowable Magazine
Most people care what others think of them. In many situations, that can be leveraged for the common good.

A Bomb as an Argument

Boris Kagarlitsky Russian Dissent
A bomb that killed a Russian military blogger echos across past and future