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Yes, I Am Latina. And No, I Am Not Mexican

Rafaella Daumas Cultural Daily
“I am Latina,” insists poet Rafaellla Daumas. “And I am not another curiosity to be stared at/ And I am not just another stereotype.”

DNA at 70: Untangling Rosalind Franklin’s Role

Emily Anthes New York Times
Historians have long debated the role that Dr. Franklin played in identifying the double helix. A new opinion essay argues that she was an “equal contributor.”

Why the Godfather of AI Fears for Humanity

Alex Hern Guardian
'Godfather of AI' Geoffrey Hinton recently quit Google warning of the dangers of artificial intelligence. ‘We’ve discovered the secret of immortality. The bad news is it’s not for us.’

Zombie Jamboree

In Belafonte's New York cemetery version of the Calypso classic, humanity is slyly warned not to incinerate ourselves.