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Black Worker Centers: Building Workplace Power in the Communities

Matthew Cunnington-Cook The American Prospect
Worker centers in general serve as a clearinghouse for workers’ needs when forming a union is all but impossible. Even in anti-union terrains, the centers have found ways to change public and corporate policies.

Bessemer - A Big Step Forward

Frank Emspak Portside
A victory at Bessemer would be great. But even without that workers at Amazon, Walmart, and Microsoft will continue to organize. Why? Because management can never represent the interests of the workforce.

Tidbits - Apr. 8, 2021 - Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; Zoom events;

Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; lots of Zoom events;

Amazon, Labor Law, and the Biden Presidency

Martin Halpern Portside
The presidency of Joe Biden represents an opportunity for the alliance of unions and a Democratic president to come to the aid of workers seeking more income, a greater say in their workplaces, and improved health and security.

Tidbits - Mar. 11, 2021 - Reader Comments: Senators Against Minimum Wage; Jim Crow - Voter Suppression; Capitol Rioters; Cornel West; Iran Nuke Deal; China; British Royal Racism; Student Activism Scholarships; International Women's Day; resources; more

Reader Comments: Senators Against Minimum Wage; New Jim Crow - Voter Suppression; Capitol Rioters; Cornel West; Iran Nuke Deal; China; British Royal Racism; Student Activism Scholarships; International Women's Day history, resources; resources; more
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