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AFL-CIO Unveils Plan To Grow but Some Union Leaders Underwhelmed

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
In light of the youth-driven surge of union drives at Starbucks, Amazon, Apple and elsewhere, the AFL-CIO – the main US’s labor federation – is facing growing pressure to undertake a bolder effort to help today’s burst of unionizing expand far faster

Labor’s John L. Lewis Moment

Steven Greenhouse, Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Will today’s unions invest big-time in the young workers now beginning to rebuild American labor? Or will they remain AWOL and ensure the movement’s continued decline?


‘This Is Our Time’: How Women Are Taking Over the Labor Movement

Chabeli Carrazana, The 19th USA Today
Over the course of the pandemic, the vast majority of essential workers were women. The vast majority of those who lost their jobs in the pandemic were women. And now the vast majority of those organizing their workplaces are women.

Flight Attendants Fighting Back

Jennifer Gonnerman The New Yorker
Sara Nelson, the head of the flight attendants’ union, leads her members through turbulent times and mounts a major organizing drive at Delta.

Amazon Workers Who Won a Union Their Way Open Labor Leaders’ Eyes

Noam Scheiber New York Times
After the stunning victory at Amazon by a little-known independent union that didn’t exist 18 months ago, organized labor has begun to ask itself an increasingly pressing question: Does the labor movement need to get more disorganized?


The Women Leading Today’s Historic Labor Movement

Aura Heinrichs (Harper's Bazaar)
With issues like pay, benefits, paid sick time, paid family leave, minimum staffing levels, schedule flexibility, mental health, and workplace safety becoming increasingly urgent in the pandemic, women have emerged as union leaders as never before.
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