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The White Republic and the Struggle for Racial Justice

Bob Wing Organizing Upgrade
Racial justice forces need to win governing power within the current system and then continue to build the strength to dismantle the racist state and replace it with an antiracist one: fight against the white republic and for antiracist democracy.

Why Nursing Home Aides Exposed to COVID-19 Aren’t Taking Sick Leave

Shefali Milczarek-Desai and Tara Sklar The Conversation
nursing aide helping older man Our research, drawing on interviews with nursing aides and emerging studies of other essential workers during COVID-19, shows how employee policies, particularly for low-paid aides, have sharply raised the risks...

Movements Mobilize To Interrupt a Coup

Marcy Rein Organizing Upgrade
Three things are key: engaging as many people as possible in demonstrations and non-cooperation; asserting that we are the true defenders of democracy; and committing to strategic nonviolence.
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