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Tidbits - Sept. 17, 2020 - Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; No Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Announcements

Reader Comments: Could Trump Win-Is He Planning a Coup?; Women Given Hysterectomies Without Consent by ICE; There Cannot be Peace without Freedom-Thoughts on the "Peace Deal"; Scourge of Racism; Use Art to Raise Antiracist Kids; Lots of Announcements

The Revolutionary Life and Times of Ruth First, and Her Legacy (long)

Ronnie Kasrils Umsebenzi Online
Ruth Heloise First was an outstanding revolutionary, who through practical experience became focused on developing ideas to drive social action. Biographical tribute by her comrade and friend, Ronnie Kasrils, on the 38th year of her assassination.

Tidbits - July 4, 2013

Readers Comments - The Expendables -Temps Getting Crushed; The Counter-Revolution of 1776 - Slave Resistance & the Origins of the USA; Poem for Trayvon Martin; Government Spying & Snowden Revelations; Graça Machel; South Africa; Marriage Equality;

The Barrel of the Apartheid Gun

Nadine Gordimer Guernica
A Book Review by the Nobel Laureate, Nadine Gordimer, on Ruth First and Joe Slovo in the War Against Apartheid, a new biography of South Africa’s revolutionary couple. One is reading not of self-perceived martyrs but individuals greedy for life even while giving up so much personal fulfillment for a way of intense certain risk. A level of involvement, the process in making a life, living, hardly to be imagined.
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