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Lumumba’s Politics Are What Really Need To Return

Perry Blankson Tribune
Belgium has repatriated Patrice Lumumba's gold tooth – his only remains. But there will only be justice when the Congolese win back what was truly killed in 1961: his politics of self-determination.

Tidbits - Jan. 6, 2022 - Reader Comments: Green New Deal; Martin Luther King; Paul Robeson, 40s, 50s Civil Rights Movement; Fred Hampton; Africa, Congo, Lumumba, CIA; Athletes, Mental Health; Fossil Fuels; Medicare; NYC Labor & the New Mayor; more

Reader Comments: Green New Deal and 2022, 2024; Omicron; Martin Luther King; Paul Robeson, 40s, 50s Civil Rights Movement; Fred Hampton; Africa, Congo, Lumumba, CIA; Athletes and Mental Health; Fossil Fuels; Medicare; NYC Labor & the New Mayor; more

How Palestine Advocates Can Support Black Struggle

Kristian Davis Bailey The Electronic Intifada
demonstration protsting police murder of George Floyd and other Black people Recent Black Lives Matter protests have sparked conversations about how to act in better solidarity with the Black struggle. How to move beyond rhetorical statements? How to address anti-Blackness among non-Black Arab communities?

Team Refugee and the Normalization of Mass Displacement

Phyllis Bennis and Kareem Faraj Foreign Policy in Focus
Though President Obama rejected the “Global War on Terror” label in favor of the anodyne “overseas contingency operations,” the conflict remains global, and it remains a war. No one even claims that the bombs we’re dropping over Syria are “smart.” And no one except the grieving families even try to count those they kill.
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