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How to Win Public Support for a Global Carbon Tax

Stefano Carattini, Steffen Kallbekken and Anton Orlo Nature
A Climate Dividend, or People's Payout, is an increasingly popular idea. The left likes it because low-income households are better off. The Citizens’ Climate Lobby champions climate dividends: a bill to deliver it is being consider in the House.

6 Times the Environment Won in 2018

Zoya Teirstein Grist
Folks across the country, from local city leaders to state attorneys general, are out there chipping away at the biggest existential threat of our time. And they’re actually getting somewhere. Here’s proof.

The Equation: Obama's Climate Legacy

Alden Meyer Union of Concerned Scientists
Fifty or a hundred years from now, the fiscal cliff, the current tensions with Russia, and many other issues that now seem pressing will be remembered dimly, if at all. What will be remembered is whether, as then-Senator Obama said in June of 2008, “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” It was an inspiring call to action then; in the wake of the droughts, the wildfires, and hurricane Sandy, it’s even more so now.
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