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17,000 University of California Researchers Could Soon Win a Union

Tanzil Chowdhury, SIerra Dodd, Kdan Lee Jacobin
University of California student researchers have announced they have union authorization cards from a super-majority of 17,000 researchers throughout the UC system — one of the largest union drives in recent US history. We spoke to three.


Barbara Bowen Passes the Torch

John Tarleton The Indypendent
The outgoing leader of NYC's leftmost union local looks back on long struggle to transform CUNY.

The Phenomenal Life and Legacy of Leon Letwin

Angela Davis Portside
[M]inority candidates will, with some frequency, come with unconventional political backgrounds and views as judged from majority perspectives. Regentally imposed political tests which assault the academic freedom of all will fall upon such candidates with unusual severity. (Leon Letwin's letter in defense of Angela Davis in 1969, relevant today as we defend faculty members such as Steven Salaita.)

Tidbits - September 11, 2014

Reader Comments - Remembering September 11 and The Other 9/11; Fast Food Strikes; Retail Workers Find Better Deals With Unions; Justice Dept. to Probe Ferguson Police; Working Families Party; Death Row; Israel Confiscates More Palestinian Land; One-Third of Israelis Consider Emigrating; Wal-Mart-ization of Education; Wages for Housework; Gluten-free; Eugene Debs and Debs Museum; Charlie Haden; New resource - International Human Rights Law: Violations by Israel; more..
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